I recently taught Reiki Level 1 and 2 to some amazing students in both Medicine Hat, AB and Vancouver, BC and the energy was SUPER AWESOME. I love teaching individuals when there is a passion to learn and come together in educating and expanding our minds as a group and community. I did, however, come to realize a few things through these last few groups about how we view and value our education... and it was very insightful for me... as I hope it was for them.
I usually have my students practice for 21 days so that they become aware of how it feels to have Reiki incorporated in their lives fully. When I practiced myself (on myself and friends) for my first 21 days I wanted to immerse my body, mind and spirit in what it meant to have this “life-force-energy” fully present within me... and therefore now share this guidance with my students as well. The comment was made that sometimes there isn’t enough time to practice everyday for 72 minutes (utilizing the 24 hand positions at 3 minutes per position) and what should they do when this happens?
Well... if you pay for the pony ride, you might as well get the most out of the ride... it’s not quite the same if you’re just feeding the horse carrots and petting them. (although that is very nice too... it’s all part and parcel of the price of the ride though) My explanation was thus... if you decide to spend your day looking after all of the other things that are just as important to you, you will be overdrawn on your spending account and have nothing to show for yourself at the end of the day. We work, we look after our family and friends but do we save up anything for us?
Meditation, physical activity and mental exercises are JUST as important, but we always put them last, we put ourselves last. When we don’t take the time to experience what it is that we have learned, or paid good money to educate ourselves with because we have a desire to learn, we are only cheating ourselves. My student’s are not cheating me or the other individuals in their lives, but it’s like taking a test and just writing in the answers from a cheat-sheet without understanding the concepts and “groove” behind the questions.
Why not get your money’s worth?! YOU-ARE-WORTH-IT! Don’t ever think that you don’t have enough time to set aside some time for your own health, well-being and personal growth. Don’t cheat yourself out of your own education to expand your consciousness and have fun in life.
...ride ‘em cowboy!!
(or as my awesome friend Chris Brandt always reminds me... Giddy-up!)