Tim Cyr
- Mar 6, 2018
- 3 min
My truth about bullying
I was bullied as a kid. It wasn't nice and it wasn't kind and it didn't make me a tougher, stronger, thicker-skinned man. It actually...
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Tim Cyr
- Aug 16, 2017
- 4 min
Why do we stay in relationships? What is a conscious, compassionate and caring relationship?
We are all in need of being nurtured, cared for, loved and appreciated — creating a caring, growing and nurturing relationship does not...
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Tim Cyr
- Apr 13, 2016
- 2 min
30 days to do more
I had no idea what was going to happen on this 30 day journey out of my comfort zone. 30 days to be in close proximity to my fiancé and...
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