Today I am enjoying a sunny respite here in Vancouver, British Columbia. Well, actually enjoying a few respites in this couple of weeks I am out on the coast. This is a place I come to recharge my batteries and sink into “life”... the city life that is... a few times of year. I love the energy that permeates this area of the country and the times that I take to really connect with myself and who I am as a person. Yes, we can do this anywhere we are, but being a human being is not just about sitting in one place for too long and letting the world come to you. The ocean is here, the mountains are here, the majestic scenery is here and yes, the city that is so filled with diversity, culture and colour is here too.
Lately I have been finding that I’ve needed to refresh my own energy levels. My new path as being healer and guide for others (as well as myself) needs time to refresh and renew once in a while as well. And for as much as I do enjoy solitude and the sanctuary that middle Canada offers, I greatly enjoy exploring the wilds and equally less wilds of coastal city life as well. I was even introduced to an amazing person out here that has introduced me to Pilates... my first session ever yesterday started with an open mind and an open heart and was met with equal openness to explore this new and interested form of exercise and strength training. ...working in a body that I love and appreciate as equally as the mind and spiritual sides that I have been enjoying getting to know more and more over last few years as well.
My time, I am finding is so important when it comes to sorting out what I “need” to do through the days, as I usually have my schedule on the go constantly when I am at home. Organizing when I am seeing clients, living the home life with my partner and pets, friends fun time or even the bit of graphic design business that I still do on occasion (a passion that will never long it remains fun). My “me” time is, as I am finding, is just as important as the time I spend interacting with my daily routines at home... and this trip is allowing me to see how... keeping an open schedule MORE than a full schedule is looking very “Zenish” and very freeing indeed.
My heart feels lighter, my mind feels lighter, and yes, even my body feel lighter. This is a very amazing world we are living in and experiencing on a day to day basis and I am loving having the opportunity to be open to sharing it with all of you who make this life-times experience so special.