This was a subject that popped up this past week when I went to visit a bank about transferring my accounts from one institution to another. Through this process discovered that I am on the very low end of my age group for where I “should” be for my net worth. …what is “net worth” anyway? We are all so worthy and so deserving and so in the flow. Why is it, when someone tells us that we should be somewhere else because that’s where society says I should be, get me down and out and make me feel so bad?!? Ego says so.
As soon as I thanked her for sharing her insights with me I was out in my car getting ready to go to a session at the healing studio and had a client call me and book an appointment. Thank you for the great reminder Universe… yes, we are always taken care of when we least… and MOST… expect and need a confirmation. We will always have things come to us when needed and who knows where the banks will be in a few years. I also wondered how people in other countries account for their “net worth”…. Do they have RRSP’s, savings accounts, gold and silver hidden away for a rainy day? Probably not, was the answer that came back to me. Everyone has their own feelings and thoughts on net worth, but when it comes down to it, only WE know what our worth is. Being that we all have Source Energy as a part of us, we are all worthy 100% of each day of every month of ever year that we live in this body and in this lifetime.
I thank the Universe for that wonderful reminder about allowing things to happen when they are needed. And allowing things “not to happen” when they are needed as well. When I released my feelings that Ego was trying to pull me towards, I was shown an abundance of riches and resources that I sometimes neglect to see when I’m so focused on my humanistic goals and accomplishments.
…just let it happen. We’re always looked after in some form or fashion. Whether it is wonderful and loving partners, friends, family, co-workers or even strangers (who are not really strangers at all)… we are always looked after. As we give, so shall we receive.