Tim Cyr
Jan 6, 20123 min
Feeling on top of the world
“When you push the button for the elevator and it’s already there... ...ding. — AWESOME! When things happen and you aren’t expecting...
Tim Cyr
Dec 20, 20113 min
Indulgences of solitude
When was the last time you cried? Truly. When was the last time the flood gates opened and you just let loose with gigantic bursts of...
Tim Cyr
Dec 16, 20112 min
Definition of love
To love oneself is pure ecstasy, pure divinity, pure solace.... pure. I was contemplating this word the other day and how it has defined...
Tim Cyr
Dec 8, 20112 min
It all started with legs up the wall – groovy!
I’ve taught Restorative Yoga before, but after taking a few bliss-filled classes with a dear colleague of mine here in Vancouver, I now...
Tim Cyr
Oct 23, 20113 min
Inside and out
Yin like never before. This evening I taught a class of amazing students... and the first one was me. I was entering the class to teach...
Tim Cyr
Oct 6, 20111 min
60 kids... yoga... inspiration!
Teaching oh so many kids today was pure inspiration. There were a few that had done yoga before, but for the most, they had never...
Tim Cyr
Oct 4, 20112 min
Space between
When we breathe is it the inhale or the exhale that is the most important part of breathing? Does there even have to be a “most important...
Tim Cyr
Oct 2, 20112 min
Coming back to centre
Spending time in meditation class today was the a beautiful beginning to the day. It was spectacularly followed by Dim Sum with fellow...
Tim Cyr
Sep 28, 20112 min
You paid for the pony ride – why not just feed them carrots
I recently taught Reiki Level 1 and 2 to some amazing students in both Medicine Hat, AB and Vancouver, BC and the energy was SUPER...
Tim Cyr
Sep 21, 20113 min
We are a work of art
Letter to a friend... Emotions are such an integral part of our human experience, without them we would all be walking around like...
Tim Cyr
Sep 19, 20112 min
Who cares!!! ...I do.
Back in the saddle again... so the saying goes. Finding myself on could nine last night after an extremely enjoyable concert at Prana...
Tim Cyr
Sep 6, 20111 min
Country boy is back in the city again
Or at least that is how it feels on the drive back to the west coast. I was meandering through the mountains today on my drive from my...
Tim Cyr
Sep 5, 20112 min
Practicing yoga with mom
Setting my sights on teaching a class filled with anticipatory yogis today got a wee bit closer as I embarked on practicing my yoga flow...
Tim Cyr
Sep 4, 20112 min
Sharing sex talk with grandparents
Growing up in rural Alberta, I have had many opportunities to be a part of “the bigger picture” at times. First was being in a movie...
Tim Cyr
Sep 2, 20112 min
Gas station yoga
Heading out on the road has it’s perks. Especially when you travel with a group of yogis and yoginis. This cool little pit stop afforded...
Tim Cyr
Aug 27, 20111 min
Can a corpse smile?
Sound and relaxation... an amazing experience when combined together in Savasana, the Corpse Pose. Every Saturday Shakti Mhi and Pepe...
Tim Cyr
Aug 23, 20113 min
Within us to share – Day 23
The last day of our amazing journey has set upon us. I am at a loss for words, yet today I was filled with so many feelings and emotions....
Tim Cyr
Aug 22, 20112 min
Stepping into... – Day 22
“Step INTO each class you are teaching. No sense in only going half way... you are all teachers now... share your knowledge... TEACH!” -...
Tim Cyr
Aug 21, 20111 min
The home stretch – Day 21
Well, it’s almost over for the first 200 hour training certificate course and I have to say... spending the past 20 days with a group of...
Tim Cyr
Aug 20, 20111 min
And... breed – Day 20
Every time we guide someone into a pose... “Now engage your core and as you inhale, lift your...” We sometimes forget to remind people...