
Tim Cyr
Mar 3, 20144 min read
32 days and still standing
...I didn’t collapse in exhaustion or get even get a little bored. When I first discovered that I had booked myself into 32 days of...

Tim Cyr
Feb 21, 20142 min read
Live your life
Today, as of February 21, 2014, I am embarking on day twenty two of thirty two days of teaching yoga. What does this mean?! Well... this...

Tim Cyr
Jan 15, 20143 min read
Is humanity on the verge of a melt-down?
The power in 12 days of do less.... One of the most challenging, yet inspiring, moments of my life. The morning I woke up and had nothing...

Tim Cyr
Dec 6, 20133 min read
Does “now” really exist?
What happens in “the now” doesn’t stay in the now. Our ever illusive search for right this moment has spanned civilizations, cultures and...

Tim Cyr
Nov 6, 20132 min read
Invitation vs expectation
What does it feel like to be invited to a party? Ponder that for a moment. ... Now, what does if feel like when you are told you have to...

Tim Cyr
Oct 9, 20133 min read
All tied up
What is your first thought when you hear the word yoga? Do you imagine a fit body balanced with perfect precision with one leg drawn up...

Tim Cyr
Sep 4, 20132 min read
The Nintento Wii taught me the downward facing dog
“Welcome Tim. Great to see you today. Are you ready to begin your Wii yoga lesson?” The lilting words emanated from the sound system of...

Tim Cyr
Aug 15, 20132 min read
The not so strangeness of strangers
She slipped her hand into mine like slipping a hand into a perfectly fitted glove. I didn’t jump or pull away. I was, at first, a little...

Tim Cyr
May 4, 20132 min read
All to easily dismissed
One of the most easiest things we can do when the road gets rocky is to dismiss. Or is it? Walking by the homeless person on the street...

Tim Cyr
Mar 1, 20132 min read
No bruises can be seen
Bullying doesn't have to be localized to the playground, home, office or street, where the big guy picks on the little guy, or one who is...

Tim Cyr
Dec 21, 20122 min read
My wish-list for a life-partner... why not!
This season I was pondering the aspect of bringing someone into my life. Though I have often times made this list in my head, friends...

Tim Cyr
Jun 27, 20121 min read
Opening Space
Looking for space… It’s not hard to find. It’s not that elusive. It really is right index our noses and we don’t even know it. Closing...

Tim Cyr
Jun 9, 20122 min read
If yoga is a job, then why aren't you getting paid for it?
Yoga: exercise or practice? Most people in North America look at it as an exercise to make them flexible, bendable, strong. But while you...

Tim Cyr
May 11, 20122 min read
Drugs or no drugs
I have been an advocate for a long time now regarding natural healthcare practices… and don’t get me wrong, I still am. I tout how we...

Tim Cyr
May 11, 20122 min read
Just play can be that simple
Waiting for what we want or accepting what we need? That’s a good question isn’t it. We tend, as humans, to measure everything that...

Tim Cyr
May 5, 20121 min read
Everything IS possible
When we look back at that things that we’ve accomplished do we ever say, “I never asked for that… where did that come from?” In actuality...

Tim Cyr
Apr 30, 20122 min read
Fireworks on top of fireworks
…we deserve them, we enjoy them, we sparkle with the feeling goose-bumps up our spine when they pop and bang over our heads. So why don’t...

Tim Cyr
Apr 27, 20121 min read
Brand new post – here I am
This is my first post. Cool. Feeling as though I’m a little lost at the moment as I begin this journey moving from iWeb posting to the...

Tim Cyr
Mar 23, 20121 min read
For the birds
Special moments show up in the most unlikely situations. This week I was teaching at a local yoga space and as my students were enjoying...

Tim Cyr
Jan 20, 20123 min read
Shut-up already!
A re-counted story from a dear yogi friend of mine... ... The walls, paper thin as they are, do not drown out ANY of the sounds of the...